Computer Science and Engineering

Prof. Himansu Sekhar Behera (HOD Computer Science and Engineering)

Professor & Head of Department

+91 7978467239

Qualification : M.E., Comp Sc & Engineering, N.I.T, Rourkela (Formerly R.E.C, RKL) Ph.D., Computer Sc. & Engineering (B.P.U.T, RKL), LMIAENG, MISTE, MISTD, SMIACSIT, LMOITS, LMOMS, LMAIAER
Specialization : Data Mining, Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing & Evolutionary Computation, Pattern Recognition, Distributed System
About the School

The Department of Computer Science & Engineering was established in year of 1994.

The Department of Computer Science & Engineering is offering the following Courses .

Under Graduate Programme:
  1. B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering: 120 Seats
  2. B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (Specialization AI & ML): 60 Seats
Post Graduate Programme:
  1. M. Tech. CSE (Specialization: CSE): 36 Seats
  2. M. Tech. CSE (Specialization: AI & ML): 18 Seats
  3. M. Tech. CSE (Specialization: Data Science): 18 Seats
  4. M. Tech. CSE ( Specialization: IOT): 18 Seats
  5. M. Tech. CSE (Specialization: Cyber Security): 18 Seats
  6. MCA( Master in Computer Application): 30 Seats
Ph. D Programme :
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (Ph.D in Engineering)
Under Graduate Programme :
Dr. Pradip Kumar Sahu
Dr. Pradip Kumar Sahu
Associate Professor ,
Head of Programme (HOP), UG Programme

+91 9437141295

Qualification : B. E. Comp Sc. & Engineering, VSSUT, Burla (Formerly UCE, Burla), M. E. Computer Sc. & Engineering (Jadavpur University), Ph. D (IIT Kharagpur)
Specialization : Embedded Systems, VLSI, NoC, SoC, Computer Architecture, Microprocessor
Post Graduate(PG) & Ph. D Programme :
Dr. Suvasini Panigrahi
Dr. Suvasini Panigrahi
Associate Professor,
Head of Programme (HOP), PG & Ph. D Programme

+91 8763928617

Qualification : B.Tech. (CSE, Utkal University, 2002), M. Tech. (Comp. Sc., Utkal University, 2004) Ph.D., (Engg., IIT Kharagpur, 2010)
Specialization : Database and Information Security

To be a recognized leader by imparting quality technical education and thereby facilitating the extensive research environment, equipping students with latest skills in the field of technology supplemented with practical orientation to face challenges in the fast morphing modern computing industry and academic for the betterment of the society.

  • To produce best quality IT professional and researchers by providing state of the art training, hands on experience and healthy research environment.
  • To collaborate with industry and academic around the globe for achieving quality technical education and excellence in research through active participation of all the stakeholders.
  • To promote academic growth by establishing Center of Excellences and offering inter-disciplinary postgraduate and doctoral programs.
  • To establish and maintain an effective operational environment and deliver quality, cost effective and reliable technology services to the society as well as compliment the local and global economic goals.
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The educational objectives of the Department are to prepare its graduates:

PEO-1: To provide graduating students with core competencies by strengthening their mathematical, scientific and basic engineering fundamentals.
PEO-2: To train graduates in diversified and applied areas with analysis, design and synthesis of data to create novel products and solutions to meet current industrial and societal needs.
PEO-3: To inculcate high professionalism among the students by providing technical and soft skills with ethical standards.
PEO-4: To promote collaborative learning and spirit of team work through multidisciplinary projects and diverse professional activities.
PEO-5: To encourage students for higher studies, research activities and entrepreneurial skills by imparting interactive quality teaching and organizing symposiums, conferences, seminars, workshops and technical discussions.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO)

PSO 1: Students should be able to develop and implement the solution of real life computing problems using contemporary technologies.
PSO 2: Students should be able to apply ethical principles and commit to professional and social responsibilities.

Programme Outcomes (PO)

POs describe what students are expected to know or be able to do by the time of graduation from the program. Program Outcomes are established as per the process describe in 2.1.3. The Program Outcomes are:

  1. An ability to apply fundamental knowledge of computing, mathematics, science and engineering appropriate to the discipline.
  2. An ability to analyze a problem, identify and formulate the computing requirements appropriate to its solution.
  3. An ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program for various applications like public health, environmental safety, human resource management, economical sustainability, cross-cultural and societal needs.
  4. An ability to formulate models, design, and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
  5. An ability to use current techniques, skills, and modern tools necessary for computing practice.
  6. An ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organization, and society.
  7. Knowledge of emerging technologies and current trends.
  8. An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibility.
  9. An ability to function effectively individually and on teams, including diverse and multidisciplinary, to accomplish a common goal.
  10. Development of emphatic written and verbal communication skills.
  11. Continuous professional development through long term learning.
  12. An understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects.