Electrical Engineering

Name : Dr. Bidyadhar Rout
Designation : Assistant Professor
Phone No. : +919438388655
Email Id : rout.bdr@gmail.com
Date of Birth : 02-04-1971
Date of Joining : 12-10-2010

B.E. in Electrical Engineering from IGIT, Utkal University. M. E. in Control System Engineering from BESU, (Now IIEST),Shibpur, Howrah. Ph. D (Engg) in Electrical Engineering from VSSUT, Burla

Control System Engineering, Soft Computing, Power System Stability

  1. Worked as lecturer at B I E T Bhadrak since 1997-2010
  2. Working as Asst. Prof. VSSUT, Burla since 2010 till date
Graduate Level : Control System Engineering, Electrical Machines, Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Traction, Basic Electrical Engineering, Network Theory, Soft Computing and Heuristic Optimization, Universal Human Values
Post Graduate Level : Machine Drive Systems, Power Electronics Devices-I, Non-Linear Control

Optimizing Techniques in improving the Power system stability, System dynamics and modeling, ANN techniques for Islanding detection in Grid connected Power Systems, An Automatic Insulin Infusion control system in diabetic patients.

Ph. D. Candidates : 1 candidate awarded 2 candidate continuing
M. Tech. Candidates : Suided: 19 2012 (01), 2013 (01), 2014 (03), 2015 (01), 2016 (02), 2017 (02), 2018 (1) , 2019 (1), 2020 (02),2021(01),2022(01),2023(02),2024(01)
  1. Co-Principal Investigator of AICTE-RPS Projects-19,” Transient Stability Analysis and Control of Power Systems with Excitation Control-2012, VSSUT, Burla

International Publications

  1. M. K. Kar, A K Singh, S. Kumar B. Rout, Application of Fractional PID controller to improve stability of a single machine infinite bus system, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India); Series B, Vol 105, (1),pp-77-92, Dec-2023
  2. A. Mohanty, B. Rout, Solar PV Transient Mitigation using Superimposed Sliding Mode-Perturb and Observe MPPT under Varying Irradiation Conditions, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research,Vol. 82, June 2023, pp. 609-615,, June 2023
  3. A. Mohanty, B. Rout, R. Panigrahi, A comparative Studies on different islanding detection methods for distributed generation systems, ENERGY SOURCES, PART A: RECOVERY, UTILIZATION, AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS, Volume 45(1),pp-2284-2316, March-2023
  4. B. Rout, B.B. Pati and S Panda, A hybrid modified differential evolution-pattern search approach for SSSC based damping controller design under communication constraints, International Journal of System Assurance Engg.Management, Volume 9, Issue 4, pp 962-971, Springer, 16 Jan, 2018
  5. B. Rout, B.B. Pati, S. Panda, Modified Algorithm for SSSC Damping Controller Design in Power System, ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communications, Volume.16, No.1, pp.46-63, February 2018
  6. B. Rout, B. B. Pati, MFO Optimized Fractional Based Controller on Power System Stability, Proceedings of Engineering and Technology Innovation, Vol.8, pp.46-59, 2018.
  7. M. K. Kar, B. Rout and J. K. Moharana, Improvement of power factor of a grid connected load system using static compensator," Journal for Foundations and Applications of Physics", 1 (1), pp. 5-10, 2014

National Publications

  1. B.D. Rout, P. Purnimasi, B. B. Pati, L. N.Tripathy ,“Wavelet Based Spectral Energy Differential Approach For Transmission Line Protection” ,RAIEE, 6th-7th April, EE Department , VSSUT, Burla
  2. 2012
  3. S. Sahu, B. B. Pati and B. D. Rout ,“Support Vector Machine based Fault Classification and Location in Power” RAMPS, EE Department, VSSUT,Burla

International Conferences

  1. A K Patra, A Nanda, B Rout, Dillip K Subudhi, " Artificial Pancreas (AP) Based on the JAYA Optimized PI Controller (JAYA-PIC), Ambient Intelligence in Health Care, Springer link, Volume-317, pp-11-20,https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-6068-0
  2. G S Panigrahi, A Nanda, A K Patra, B Rout, A K Mishra, V L Patra, "Vehicle Suspension System based on Adaptive Control Algorithm",IEEE 2023 International Conference in Advances in Power, Signal, and Information Technology (APSIT)
  3. A K Patra, R Agrawal, M K Debnath, B Rout, A K Mishra, V L Patra," Vehicle Suspension Control Using LQR Technique",2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET)
  4. A K Patra, G S Panigrahi, V L Patra, A K Mishra, M K Debnath, B Rout, "Optimal BG Regulation in TIDM Patient Based on Adaptive Control Algorithm",2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET
  5. A K Patra, N Nahak, B Rout, A Nanda, A K Mishra, M K Debnath, "Design of Remora Optimized FOPID Controller (RO-FOPIDC) for Balancing an Inverted Pendulum (IP)",2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET),Volume? 2023 Issue? SeFeT Page? 1-5 Publication year? 2023 ,ST Material Number? W2441A,J-GLOBAL ID?202302244318140126
  6. A. K. Patra, B. Rout, R Agrawal, A. K. Mishra, G S Panigrahi, A. Nanda, An Automatic Artificial Pancreas (AP) based on MO-PID Control Algorithm, 2022 2nd Odisha International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering, Communication and Computing Technology (ODICON),DOI: 10.1109/ODICON54453.2022.10009980
  7. A Mohanty, B. Rout, "Island Detection based on voltage ratio and artificial neural network for inverter-based distributed generation" ,2022 International Conference on Intelligent Controller and Computing for Smart Power (ICICCSP) |978-1-6654-7258-6/22 , 21-23 July, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/ICICCSP53532.2022.9862371-97
  8. D Ratha, A K Patra, S K Kar, D K Subudhi, B. Rout, "Performance Analysis of VPTADF Controller based Photovoltaic System", 2022 2nd Odisha International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering, Communication and Computing Technology (ODICON), 11-12-Nov 2022, DOI: 10.1109/ODICON54453.2022.10010095
  9. A. K. Patra,B. Rout, R Agrawal, A. K. Mishra, G S Panigrahi, A. Nanda, "Automatic Artificial Pancreas (AP) based on MO-PID Control Algorithm", 11-12 November-2022 2nd Odisha International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering, Communication and Computing Technology (ODICON),DOI: 10.1109/ODICON54453.2022.10009980
  10. B. Rout, B. B. Pati, A. Pattnaik, "Small Signal Stability enhancement of Power System with GA optimized PD type PSS and AVR Control", IEEE conference on Recent Advances in Engineering, Technology and Computational Sciences- (RAETCS-2018),SIET, Allahabad, India. 10.1109/RAETCS.2018.8443890
  11. R. Pradhan, B. Rout, "Enhancement of Stability of SMIB using ZN-PID and LQR-PSS as affected by Excitation Control", IEEE conference on Power,Communication and Information Technology Conference (PCITC- 2015), 15-17 Oct-2015,iksha O Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, India. 10.1109/PCITC.2015.7438103
  12. B. Rout ,B. B. Pati, "Application of PD based fuzzy PI type FACTS device and PSS controller in enhancing the power system stability", IEEE conference on ICRIEECE-2018, July-27-28, KIIT, Bhubaneswar, India.2018,10.1109/ICRIEECE44171.2018.9009135
  13. A. Mohanty, B. Rout, "Modified P & O MPPT and Voltage control Inverter based Island solar PV with power quality analysis under the varying load and weather conditions", IEEE conference onInternational Symposium on Sustainable Energy, Signal Processing & Cyber Security- (ISSSC-2020), 16-17 Dec,2020, GIET University, Gunupur, India. 10.1109/iSSSC50941.2020.9358852

National Conferences

  1. B.D. Rout, P. Purnimasi, B. B. Pati, L. N.Tripathy “Wavelet Based Spectral Energy Differential Approach For Transmission Line Protection” published at national conference held at VSSUT,RAIEE-2014 during 6th-7th April-2014
  2. S. Sahu, B. B. Pati and B. D. Rout “Support Vector Machine based Fault Classification and Location in Power” published at National conference held at VSSUT, RAMPS-2012


  1. Participated in Workshop on Recent developments in Smart-Grid Technologies (NWSGT-2014) at IIT, Bhubaneswar during 8th-9th ,November, 2014
  2. Organizing a TEQIP-II sponsored national conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (RAIEE-2014) during 6th-7th April, 2014 by the Electrical Engineering Department, at VSSUT, Burla
  3. Attended one-week QIP Short Term Course on “Adaptive and Switching Control” at IIT, Bombay during May 13-27, 2013
  4. Attended one week Short-Tem Course on Control System Design-CSD-2012 held at Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvanantapuram during 4th-8th Decebmer, 2012
  5. Attended AICTE Sponsored FDP on LabVIEW and its Industrial applications during May14th-25th May,2012 at College of engineering, Pune
  6. Paper presented entitled on “ Design. Analysis and simulation of a D-Statcom for power quality improvement” on “Modern Trends in power system operation, control and management” at The Institute of Engineers (India) Bhubaneswar during 16th -17th February, 2014
  7. Paper presented entitled on “ Digital Protection of transmission line using wavelet based discrete F.T.”All India Seminar on Recent Advances in Power, Energy and Control (RAPEC-2013) during 23-24 Nov 2013 at NIT, Rourkela
  1. Manoj Kar, Bidyadhar Rout, Jayakrushna Moharana," Design, Analysis & Simulation of D-STATCOM for Power Factor Improvement, Application of Flexible AC Transmission System Devices to Enhance Performance of a Grid Connected System, LAP LAMBART Academic Pulishing,17 Meldrum Street,Beau Bassin 71504, Mauritius, ISBN: 978-620-0-28822-6
  2. A K. Patra, A Nanda, B. Rout, and D K. Subudhi, " Artificial Pancreas (AP) Based on the JAYA Optimized PI Controller (JAYA-PIC)", Ambient Intelligence in Health Care, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 317,2023, pp-11-20, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-6068-0_2
  3. N Saha, S. K. Sahoo ,B. Rout, S. Panda ,D. Ku. Sahoo, "Solar PV-Powered SRM Drive and Its Speed Control and Torque Ripple Minimization",Sustainable Energy and Technological Advancements, Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology, pp-293-306,https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9033-4_23
  4. A.K. Patra, A. Nanda, B. Rout, D. K. Subudhi. S. K. Kar, An Automatic Insulin Infusion System Based on the Genetic Algorithm FOPID Control, Green Technology for Smart City and Society, Lecture notes in Network and System,Springer, Volume 151, pp 355-366, 2020, , https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-8218-9_30
  5. B. Panda, M. Mohantyand, B. Rout, Classification of Electrical Home Appliances Based on Harmonic Analysis Using ANN Progress in Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019, pp.273-278,https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0224-4
  6. A.K Patra, AK Mishra, A Nanda, N.K Jena, B. Rout, “Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Vehicle Suspension System Based on Linear Quadratic Regulator” Advances in Intelligent Computing and Communication,Lecture notes in Network and System,Springer,Volume-109, pp. 254-263, 2019,https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-2774-6_32
  7. A.K. Patra, A. Nanda,B. Rout, D. K. Subudhi. S. K. Kar, An Automatic Insulin Infusion System Based on the Genetic Algorithm FOPID Control, Green Technology for Smart City and Society, Lecture notes in Network and System,Springer, Volume 151, pp 355-366, 2020
  8. A. Pattnaik, B. Rout, A.K. Patra, Comparative Study of System Performances Using Integral Type LQR with DE and ZN Optimized PID Controller in AVR Systems, "Advances in Electrical Control and Signal Systems", Springer, pp. 349-359, 2020
1 .Organized 2 (Two) nos. student symposium Resonance-2013, 2014 at department of Electrical and EEE,VSSUT,Burla 2. Organized (One) National conference on RAIEE-2014 at VSSUT,Burla
  1. Warden (Marichi Hall of Residence- 2019-2021)
  2. PIC, Electrical Maintenance (2015-2019)
  3. Vice-President (AVC-2015-2016)
  4. Vice-President (Robotics- 2014-2015)
  5. Asst. Warden (Vasistha Hall of Residence-2011-2013)
  6. Vice-President(Student's Technical Society-2022-)
  7. Member, Students Monitoring Council Committee (SMCC), since 2022 till date
Present Address : 
Qrt.No. BF/4, Near Vinayak Hospital, Phandi Chhowk, Burla VSSUT,Burla
  Permanent Address : 
At/PO: Baralpokhari Via: Charampa Dist: Bhadrak (Odisha) PIN: 756101