Name | : | Prof. Debadutta Mishra |
Designation | : | Professor |
Phone No. | : | |
Email Id | : | dmvssut@gmail.com |
Date of Joining | : | 01-07-2009 |
PhD (Sambalpur University/ UCE, Burla), M.Sc. (Engg.) (Sambalpur University/ REC (NIT), Rourkela), B.Sc. (Engg.)(OUAT / CET, Bhubaneswar)
Production Engineering
30 Years
Graduate Level | : | Automation in NC Machine , Robotics and FMS |
Post Graduate Level | : | Manufacturing System Model , Robotics and Robot Application |
Robotics, Advanced Machining, Project Planning and Control, Optimization
Ph. D. Candidates | : | 06(Awarded) 08(Ongoing) |
M. Tech. Candidates | : | 21 (Awarded) 01 (Ongoing) |
1. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM), InderScience.
2. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer.
Affiliation to Professional Society :
Professional Body
(i) Indian Society for Technical Education Membership
(ii) ASME
Professional Information:
Laboratory Development
i. Developed Rapid Prototyping Laboratory in the Department of ProductionEngineering, VSSUT, Burla.
ii. Developed CAD Laboratory in the Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
iii. Developed FMS Laboratory in the Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
iv. Coordinated procurement of an Acoustic Analyzing System for ManufacturingScience and Engineering Department, UCE, Burla.
v. Development of CAD/CAM Laboratory of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Department, UCE, Burla.
vi. Development of Robotics Laboratory of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Department, UCE, Burla.
vii. Development of Metal Forming Laboratory of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Department, UCE, Burla.
viii. Involved in assembly and testing of SCARA robot of the Robotics Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering Department, UCE, Burla.
ix. Augmentation of Computational and CAD/CAM Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering Department, UCE, Burla.
x. Development of FMS and Robotics Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering Department, UCE, Burla.
xi. Development of Computer Graphics Laboratory of Manufacturing Science andEngineering Department, UCE, Burla.
Professional talks delivered:
i) Entrepreneurship and Industry 4.0, Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp under DST-NIMAT Project, 14th – 16th November, 2018. Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla, sponsored by NSTEDB, DST, Govt. of India.
ii) Machining of functional materials for industrial applications, QIP short term course on Functional Engineering Materials: Technology, Modeling and Analysis, 25th June-07th July, 2018, Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
iii) Smart materials, QIP short term course on Materials, Manufacturing & Management, 14th-26th May, 2018, Department of Mechanical Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
iv) Nano Composite, QIP short term course on Engineering Materials, Design and Applications, 23th-28th April, 2018, Department of Mechanical Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
v) Machining of Composite Materials, QIP Short Term Course on Composite Manufacturing, Machining, Modeling and Optimization, 19th-24th February, 2018, Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
vi) Introduction to Manufacturing Techniques and Welding Technology, QIP Short Term Course on Processing and Characterization of Materials, 24th-29thApril, 2017, Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
vii) Composite Materials, QIP Short Term Course on Advances in Manufacturing, Material Processing and Testing, 17th-22nd April, 2017, Department of Mechanical Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
viii) Plant Maintenance System, QIP Short Term Course on Recent Developments in Plant Maintenance and Condition Monitoring of Machinery, 10th-14th April, 2017, Department of Mechanical Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
ix) Student discipline and Ethics, TEQIP, Quality of Higher and Technical Education in India- Role of Universities, 20th February, 2017, VSSUT, Burla.
x) Additive Manufacturing, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 12th March, 2016, Government College of Engineering, Kalahandi, Odisha.
xi) Additive Manufacturing, QIP Short Term Course on Advances in Manufacturing Systems and Processes, 2nd December, 2015, Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
xii) Classification and Machining of Composite Materials, National Seminar on Recent Advancement in Material Science, 23rd and 24th, August, 2014, Department of Chemistry and Department of Production Engineering, VSSUT, Burla.
xiii) Manufacturing Excellence- Sambalpur University, 2015.
xiv) Manipulator Workspace Manipulation- KIIT, Bhubaneswar, 2013.
xv) Flexible Manufacturing System- IGIT, Sarang, 2012.
xvi) IT application in manufacturing- STTP at Sambalpur University, 2010.
xvii) Sensors and Actuators, STTP on Mechanics and Control of Robots, 19thMarch, 2009, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar.
xviii) Intelligent Robots, STTP on Mechanics and Control of Robots, 19th March, 2009, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar.
xix) Theory of constraints- Hindalco, Hirakud, 2008.
xx) Non-conventional machining process- STTP at Sundergarh Engineering College, Sundargarh, 2007. • Member of editorial board: 1. Centurion Journal of multidisciplinary research.
Present Address : Qrs. No.-M4R/16, VSSUT Colony, Burla Dist.- Sambalpur, 768018 |
Permanent Address : Antarda P.O.- Tarbha Dist.- Subarnapur, Orissa-767016 |